Moments in Queue
Moments in Queue (MIQ) is about the thoughts within Momma Queue. The purpose is to bring awareness of the fact that humans aren’t one note but several. Initially, MIQ can sound like a cacophony cause of my ADHD brain, but that’s what you get when I’m on the MIQ.
Email: mommaqueue@hayhiqueue.com
IG: Hayhiqueue
TikTok: Hayhiqueue
Website: Hayhiqueue.com
Note: I will never DM. I am way too busy. And all transcripts are available on my buzzsprout page.
Moments in Queue
Episode 40| ASMR 40/40 Club
Hey! Hi! It’s me MommaQueue. I welcome you to Moments in Queue ASMR episode. In this episode I will titilate your ear with my voice and random sounds.
In Queue today: 60 seconds of heaven > What’s going on > it’s giving > Let’s get it popping> and croak on the joke.
Another Sunday episode a day late and a dolla short. I blame my Boo Thang. Speaking of my Boo Thang…He and I are finally the same age. I talked about my opinions on Israel and Palestine; Cheesecake Factory date; Swallowing 48 oysters; and Jada Pickett Smith love of her life is and always will be 2Pac. Will will ever recover?
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Website: Hayhiqueue.com
Email: mommaqueue@hayhiqueue.com
IG: Hayhiqueue
TikTok: Hayhiqueue
Note: I will never DM. I am way too busy. And all transcripts are available on my buzzsprouts page.
M-O-W-M-A-Q-D-W-E-D-W-E. That's my name, mama Q. M-o-w-m-a-q-d-w-e-d-w-e, that's my name. Mama Q, say it faster or slow, don't really matter, though the U-E gets a minute. Tongue tizzy yo. Hey, kinda dizzy bro. Who is she? Mama Q? Mama gave birth little waste, no girth, 60 years ago. No, I don't want. Mo Q is a line and I tried to align this double end. Tundra petty, haha, it's one of my modules, Mama Q, I'm the first one in and the first one out. Memphis Tend to Key is my whereabouts, duncan Plain Mayn, saying stick it to one topic. I reply your mind is very myopic with Mama Q. You need better optist picking and choosing to copy me. Are you inspired? Definitely. No need to whisper gracefully. I like it better off key. Now let's see. Do you remember me? M-o-w-m-a-q-d-w-e D-W-E. That's my name, Mama Q. M-o-w-m-a-q-d-w-e, d-w-e. That's my name, mama Q.
Speaker 2:Hey, hi, it's me Mama Q. I welcome you to Moments in Q ASMR episode. In this episode, I will titillate your ear with my voice and random sounds In Q today, 60 seconds of heaven. What's going on? It's given, let's get it popping and croak on the joke. What's going on in this segment?
Speaker 2:I tell you what's going on in my life since last episode. Today, well, rather yesterday, was my boo thing, love of my Mike Foxtrot life Birthday. He is now part of the 40s club and y'all guess what he's back, he's back. So, yeah, he's back, which is why I am another day well, just one day in a dollar short, because I was like celebrating the fact that he's back from boo. I hadn't seen him since March and I had an opportunity to celebrate his birthday. So, yeah, it's my boo thing's fault for me being late. So, as you know, my birthday was last month. So, yes, I'm a cool guy, according to him and our relationship, by 28 days his senior. Ironically, this is the 40th episode, so happy birthday to you, my love of my Mike Foxtrot life. Okay, so let's see what else, aside from me missing him so dearly, I got used to him being away and I thought I was never going to see him again. Since he's been back, we have been inseparable, like we were before he came back, before he left me. So don't worry y'all, he is really exist and I will have him on a Thursday episode eventually, because Sundays are mine, alright, so let's see.
Speaker 2:Since he's been back, we started viewing Godfather of Harlem and let me tell y'all that she is good. Okay, I did not know that. Most of the people on the show are real. I feel like damn, these famous, well known people are interconnected. And it was also like damn, some of these people that are real and influential in the 60s part of the civil rights movement oh my gosh, like I've never heard of them. So I had to pause the show multiple times. So if you hadn't ever seen the show, I advise you to check it out Also.
Speaker 2:Unfortunately, I cannot remember, so if I am repeating myself, my bad, but like I found out a little bit more about my ancestors. So this is the part that I can't remember if I had said on my last podcast episode, but I was able to realize a few more things with my great half or many greats grandmother. So, as you may or may not know, she had left. She had a brother. His name was Solomon Sir Jones. I know I talked about him before on the podcast episode, so he was a very well known person in Oklahoma and thanks to his contributions within Oklahoma and he helped me have a silent film he was able to have his stuff live on and because of him being an influential person, I was able to kind of gain more insight into his sister, which I am a descendant of. So I was able to find out when she arrived to Oklahoma. They did a brief biography about him when he was alive, so I learned how long he was in Tendaki and when he moved to Oklahoma and that helped me be able to find a little bit more about my ancestry.
Speaker 2:So the only thing that is like well, there's so many small new ones, things that I'm not for certain about how it was back in the slavery days. However, there's one thing is that my half or many greats, so that particular grandmother. Her name was Peggy and she had a daughter who name was Maddie, and that is who I'm a descendant from. So when Peggy got married, her maiden name was Brown, which is weird to me, but not weird, you know, but it'll make sense in a minute that her maiden name was Brown and it was weird because her brother, his last name was Jones. I'm like WTF Now. Granted, yes, I do understand that they could have had different fathers, but I don't know. It just was weird. And so what I think happened is maybe because Uncle Solomon Sir Jones he was not enslaved, however grandma Peggy was. So what I think happened is maybe she ended up getting the name Brown from the slave mass and then eventually the family changed their name to Jones, which is also ironic Because grandma Peggy ended up marrying a Jones. And so it's like what? Like did everybody change their name? I don't know? So there's like a piece of the puzzle that is baffling and I don't quite understand. I understand kind of logistically, but I don't have proof of my assumption. So that was that.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, aside from that, life has been the same old, same old. Okay, it's given. I'm giving you the encouragement to make it through the week. Let's tackle eating that elephant together, one bite at a time. Look, y'all, I normally don't add it's given and let's get it popping together. And I stop it's giving because I unfortunately ran out of different ways to encourage y'all, because my life was consistently boring or emotional, no, in between.
Speaker 2:So, speaking of emotions, I want to say to y'all be wary of people using their religion to justify their actions against others. Google is always available, especially when it comes to reputable sources. Okay so anyway, in my experience, people sometimes allow their religious beliefs to cloud their judgments of what's right or wrong and impose those same ideologies on others. I remember one of my sisters and I got into a disagreement and I used it, or Allowing our religion, to cloud our judgment on what was right and what was wrong, with many me being forced to go to church by my dad's second wife. Okay, so again, I don't think I ever mentioned that one. So my bad, but what had happened was I was working, and by this time I think it was earlier this year. So by this time, many me and I have already said that we weren't Christians, right.
Speaker 2:So, because I was working and I knew that I would be out of town for a minute because I was driving, um, I had to have many me go over to her grandparents, house and stuff, and so she called and text me. She texted me, then she called me, crying because my dad's second wife was forcing her to go to church so I don't care too much for my dad's second wife, whatever. So of course I called her. She didn't respond, so I had to do a group text message. I basically said, if I find out that my daughter is going to church and we are a consent oriented family I'm gonna go to. So I had to call my dad and be like yo, get your wife. And eventually Many me did not have to go to church.
Speaker 2:So of course I'm on a group text message with my siblings. Um, I don't know if I said this before, but I have two other siblings from the woman that gave birth to me. Y'all already had a herd of ash. And then I have the rest of my siblings, which should be one, two, three, three other siblings From my dad, and I think he mentioned all of us anyway in the last podcast episode. So in this group chat was between dad and his kids, okay, and I'm the oldest of everybody, alright.
Speaker 2:So, um, this particular sister and I had a disagreement and stuff and I had asked her because I know that she's a Uber Christian and I was like yo, can my nephews come over to my house, knowing that I've been right, my ancestors not practice, who do. Of course she didn't answer it, but I knew, by the way she responded, that she would have been against it. So it's like okay, so if you don't want your Children which was your sons, which are my nephews over my house, because you know that I've been a rate my ancestors, what is the difference between me having an issue with my daughter being forced to church, and so I had told that sister that she's using religion as a way to Cloud her judgment, and I still stand by that. Again, I'm not mad at her Stuff and, of course, yes, I always talk about the bureaucracy that exists. I'm with Christians when it comes to people who are not Christians, especially when it comes to people who are black and they do not practice Christianity. I get it. Well, I don't get it because we do similar things, but I get it house, supposedly due to their indoctrination and brainwashing, that what I do is considered Demonic, blah, blah, blah. But what I feel like is that your relationship never crawled. I'm clouded, your judgment into things that you do.
Speaker 2:But again, we see this all the time. We see that with Roe versus Wade being um, what's the proper word for it? I can't forget, I can't remember, but you know, over there, there we go. We see when Roe versus Wade was overturned, and we see it all the time. And we also saw when I'm 11 happened out, christians had a huge ass issue with Muslims. We saw when Barack Obama was Um the president, how, even if he was Muslim with which I think he just had a Muslim name he wasn't. But even when he came, even when it came to him, you know, people had issues with him being Muslim and stuff.
Speaker 2:And for me I find it interesting. Now, you know they talk shit about Muslims on, so be a. You know these muscles, you know they blow up the war trade centers and they are brisk their women, yada, yada, yada. And it's like nonce they wear, they cover their hair, right, so yeah, and it's like Christians, some of them in act laws and everything like that, even though the United States does not have official language, nor do we have an official Religion. So it's like, make that, make sense. But per usual, everything is wrong and demonic when it comes to anything that Christians do, I mean anything that non-christians do, and that's accurate.
Speaker 2:And so, again, this is prevalent and relevant right now with the whole thing that's going on With Palestine and with Israel. And I've done my research with the rest of the sources and it's just so sad, but not surprising, how some people can side with Israel. But the reason it's not surprised because I know America's Americans, especially White Americans, will always side with the colonizers, because that's what it appears that is, that the country of Israeli is doing with Palestine, like let me just take over your country, even though you've been there or whatever. So, again, not surprising and stuff. And you know, of course, because Judaism is, I guess, similar to Christianity. Okay, you know, people can let that ride and stuff, and it's just all of that together Just skirt, is just crazy over the name of religion, like are you serious? Is what it is.
Speaker 2:But yeah, so that was my encouragement for y'all is that, again, at the end of the day, whatever beliefs you have, or if you don't have any beliefs, do not let your spirituality, religion or whatever cloud your judgment and thinking that because Allah, god, whom ever told you that you're the chosen one, that you should be somewhere and colonize people and treat them bad, and then, when they retaliate after being bullied, since what? The 40s, since the flip in 40s, that they decide to retaliate multiple times, that all because of your influence In your belief. It clouds the judgment of other people's and they say this propaganda type of ps Of what's going on without even fact checking anything. So again, believe what you want to believe, but just don't force others to Do. Let's get it popping. I blow out the bubbles surrounding pop culture and talk about Cheesecake factory swallowing 48 oysters and jada pick a smith, y'all. Something should not be online for the world to know and see. All right, so let me do my um Um, two sins that nobody asks for. So with the cheesecake factory that right there seemed to be like a skid, well, most things that seem to be out of this world that I could never found them, fathom, you know, phantom, not phantom, fathom. There we go. Fathom that someone would ever record. Sometimes it's real, but that one in particular, I think it was faked like I don't know. So, first of all, if it was a fake skid, then it don't fucking matter what anybody believed, because it was fake. But let's just say for a moment it was real.
Speaker 2:I think the lack of communication Is what would bother me. So what happened was Old girl would call her the one in the green dress because she literally was in the green dress, she was with another guy on a date. All right, they drive in blah, blah, blah and he proceeds to take her to cheesecake factory. So she gets in her feelings about it and she decides to record it and acts whoever I guess is following her, what are her thoughts on it? And so she basically felt that she looked too good and would be embarrassing to walk in cheesecake factory. Oh boy, basically responding saying I would have taken you to another type of restaurant. However, you were late, so that's the rough this entire date, so I'm just gonna take you home. And she was like Shocked, you know, mouth a cape in this slide and whatever.
Speaker 2:So like, for me, I think communication is a big thing and I think that's why a lot of relationships Failed because of the lack of communication. So what I think could have, should have, would have, but did not happen, it's number one. She should have told him she was running late so that it could have been understood and changes could have been made. And I feel like she has every right to desire, won't a person to take her out To these fancy, fancy restaurants and stuff, and he has every right to not want to do that If he doesn't want to, and it's like yo whether he can afford her or not afford it. If he don't want to take her, then that's fine, it is what it is and just find somebody who will. That's what I think.
Speaker 2:But like, what really like bothered me was her like Like steady looking at the mirror and like fixing her braids. Like that was weird. It's not like it was like a regular hair, it was just braids. So what are you flicking your braids for? But whatever, and just like Saying like yeah, I'm too pretty and I'm like man, if you don't eat this fucking cheesecake and I hate to sound like that, because I know there's a lot of pickies out there I'll be like why he could have took me there and stuff like that. And for me it's like it's fucking cheesecake factory. Like Now I have been On a date where the first date was Houston switch around Memphis, tennessee, it's somewhat of a big deal and the second date with the guy was it was either tji fridays or chilies. I think tji fridays I can't remember because I cannot stand tji fridays. Chilies is okay, oh, whatever.
Speaker 2:But for me, like I would always have men that I didn't know if I was interested in and take me to somewhat okay type of restaurants or chain restaurants or whatever like that. I remember ex-friends of mine would say like y' all, mama, cute, why don't you have them take you to a four or five star, mostly romantic Day so they can spend money on you? I was like, because they're gonna expect for me to put out and I'm not fucking for a meal, okay, that's one. And then like number two I don't even know if I even like them like that. So I don't want them to spend all this money on me and stuff and feel like it was a waste of their time. You know what I'm saying. So that's my point of view on it. So I would always take them like buffalo wild wings. We have this burger joint called Huey's and I think there was this, something called. I think it was PF Changs or something like that or whatever.
Speaker 2:And I remember for one day with this guy I was going to take him to what is, oh man, what is the name of that restaurant? It's a foofoo type of restaurant, damn, I can't think of it, whatever. But it's like the shit was out, ruth, chris, yup. And so he didn't want me to spend that on him. So he said I could take him somewhere else or whatever, like that. But I didn't mind or whatever.
Speaker 2:But yeah, like I can't remember too many times, well, no, there was this other guy that I went on a date and it was a great restaurant or whatever, but we only lasted one day and stuff. And then I remember this other guy that took me out and was like, yo, you invited me to marry because I was like, yeah, and he likes coffee, the fact that it wasn't as expensive as he thought it was going to be. And then our second date, he took me to see the Grizzlies and it was like maybe three or four seats behind the cheerleader, so I can understand how expensive he was. And he was so nice and respectful he was like do you want some food, do you want a Grizzly t-shirt? All of that. And yeah, the date didn't work out and stuff.
Speaker 2:So it's like I can see how, like, sometimes some men don't want to spend a lot of money on women because you never know. But like, that's how it is with dating, much like the stock market. You got to put your money in and see where it goes or whatever. But for me, like, there are some restaurants that I don't like at all, and it doesn't have anything to do with like the price, it either be. The menu sucks ass and I really don't want to go there. I just don't like the vibe. So that's that which brings me to the second thing about the 48 oysters or whatever.
Speaker 2:So this chick in Atlanta had went out on a date with some drinks with this guy right, and so he was all like he and keep in mind the word is drinks. So he was like you know, take me out on drinks. And she made it all entire like social media, like you know how some people on tiktok be like, get ready with me. So it was like get on this date with me. Where she was talking about like showing the video of her slurping down like 48 oysters and stuff. And then he left, never came back and was like yo, I wanted to take you out for drinks anyway and stuff, I'll give you the money for the drinks. And a lot of people thought that that was like a lot of oysters or whatever. Now I can't remember if she ate them by herself or what, but let's not forget, like oysters is not like to me. Oysters and crawfish are similar where it's not very filling meal or whatever like that. So whatever.
Speaker 2:But like again, back to the lack of communication is what I think. So I remember I had went on this date with this guy and so I was late, unfortunately because I allowed my ex-co-workers to like help me get quote unquote ready for a date and stuff, and I told him ahead of time, but whatever, so I get there an hour late or whatever. But I told him I was running late and I guess he already went there and so we get there, he's already eating and he's, and I'm like, damn, you can order me any food. He was like I wanted to take you out for drinks anyway and he gave me some chips and I was pissed because I'm like you're eating in front of me, the fuck.
Speaker 2:So clearly that was our first and last date or whatever, and people felt like I shouldn't have been late, I would have some food, and so it's also crazy to me with, like you say, drinks or whatever, and so if you see me ordering, you should have been more specific and I know like I'm being um, what is that fucking word? I will, I'll think of it later, but anyway, I know that when it comes to like people saying drinks, that some people literally mean drinks and some people might mean like food or whatever, like that and stuff. So like I don't know. I just feel like, at the end of the day, like again, communication should be discussed between who's paying or whatever, because there's no shame in my game. I'll be like who's paying? Like so I can have a general idea of what's happening. So when the bill gets there there's no surprise or whatever like that.
Speaker 2:And so it's like if you say drinks, then you should probably go to like a bar where they probably don't have that many things, that much food, like the restaurant we went to was the fucking Mexican restaurant. Of course they're gonna have food, like what the fuck. So I don't know. But yet that whole thing of like drinks or whatever, I don't. I like Starbucks but not like that. So I don't know. I wouldn't want to go on a coffee date or whatever with someone for the first time, because that seems like kind of like I don't know. I feel like if you don't know if you're feeling someone or not, I kind of think that like maybe a middle roads kind of restaurant or whatever, like that would be okay, not so expensive and not super, super cheap.
Speaker 2:I know, with this ex of mine no, I didn't know if I was feeling him at all like I had him go to the park with me and we ride bikes because, again, I didn't know where to play some or whatever like that and I should have never got with him anyway. But because I'm with my boo thang, my love of my life, I ain't got to worry about that dating scene. But prior to him, oh my gosh, dating was for the birds, it stunk, it was horrible, alright. Lastly, jada Pickett Smith like what the fuck? Oh my gosh. So basically, all that crazy shit that's been happening for however many years they've been separated since.
Speaker 2:So the whole entire smack that Will Smith gave to Chris Rock, it was like they were separated or they were like, oh, whatever. And it's funny, some people had posted on social media how they feel, like when the will smith smacked Chris Rock that all of this Was this ego and I didn't disagree with them. But I just didn't see it that way. I honestly thought there was a black man defending a black woman and show enough. I was fucking wrong and this is why you should believe black women and listen to them, because two black women. It said that and show enough, as we can see, they were separated. So him and Chris Rock was purely out of ego and had nothing to do with the fact of him defending his wife Because they were separated.
Speaker 2:And Jada is getting on my motherfucking nerves with this. I love to pop this. I love to pop that my nose he has when our Instagram and like she didn't, will is a Virgo, like I am, and she didn't say I love him in the little post or whatever, which again Makes sense now that we know that they were separate the entire time. But if you're thinking they're married and stuff is like you don't even tell this dude you love him in the post what the fuck? And then I want to say, maybe before or after Will's birthday, she posted up a video of her in Tupac Doing on lip-syncing horribly to parents. Just don't understand. And I'm like that's a Will smell something like what the fuck? Like this is like crazy.
Speaker 2:But some people also say that if this was true, was on the other foot, the way that if we was in Paris and Jada the way that she was, it would be a different story. And so, yeah, I do see that because there are a lot of me out here oh, intentionally a Paris women, and the women still stay in the relationship, which is crazy to me, but it is what it is. So but it's like I don't know, just for me, certain like things I feel like in a relationship and my boo thing, love of my motherfucking life, will say that I put too much on social media or whatever. But I don't feel like I do Whatever because it's like certain things should be like kept as a secret and stuff like that. And there are so many things that we do in our relationship that I don't tell nobody, I tell him just to miss with him Whatever. But like social media don't know that whatever. And it's just like I would not have ever said that.
Speaker 2:Like you put all that in the book and from what I heard when we had his book come out and that was before the slap that there was some Salation shit in there, but I don't know because I didn't read it. But it's just a Big thing that I live by. It's like just don't embarrass me and I won't embarrass you, and so that's where I stand with that. But at this point they just fuck, fuck separation, just a force because the love of our motherfucking life was clearly too Bought, and not wheel Smith Croak on the joke. That's where I give you my bestest jokes and we laugh together. Or nah, today's joke what's a vampire's? Go to drink a Bloody Mary? Get it a Bloody Mary. Well, guess that's my cue to leave.