Moments in Queue
Moments in Queue (MIQ) is about the thoughts within Momma Queue. The purpose is to bring awareness of the fact that humans aren’t one note but several. Initially, MIQ can sound like a cacophony cause of my ADHD brain, but that’s what you get when I’m on the MIQ.
Email: mommaqueue@hayhiqueue.com
IG: Hayhiqueue
TikTok: Hayhiqueue
Website: Hayhiqueue.com
Note: I will never DM. I am way too busy. And all transcripts are available on my buzzsprout page.
Moments in Queue
Episode 41| We got the Spirit!
Hey! Hi! It’s me MommaQueue. I welcome you to Moments in Queue.
In Queue Today: Hi Why > Black Business > Who do Hoodoo > and Are you Kinky or Knot
Hope you are enjoying your October. I will talk to you about different types of spirits in your spiritual court. And the type of roles they play. Then educate you on the type of pet play that exists like dogs, kittens and ponies. It’s Halloween season be outward with your kink. Kidding! But it’s the season to be out in plain sight. See ya in November.
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Website: Hayhiqueue.com
Email: mommaqueue@hayhiqueue.com
IG: Hayhiqueue
TikTok: Hayhiqueue
Note: I will never DM. I am way too busy. And all transcripts are available on my buzzsprouts page.
M-O-W-M-A-Q-D-W-E-D-W-E, that's my name. Mama Q. M-o-w-m-a-q-d-w-e-d-w-e, that's my name. Mama Q, say it faster or slow, don't really matter, though the U-E gets a minute. Tongue tizzy, yo, hey, kinda dizzy bro. Who is she? Mama Q? Mama gave birth little ways, no girth, 60 years ago. No, I don't want. Mo Q is a line and I tried to align this double end. Tundra petty, haha, it's one of my mantras. Mama Q, I'm the first one in and the first one out. Memphis, Tend to Key is my whereabouts. Don't complain. Man saying stick it to one topic. I reply your mind is very myopic with Mama Q. You need better optist picking and choosing to copy me. Are you inspired? Definitely. No need to whisper gracefully. I like it better off key. Now let's see. Do you remember me? M-o-w-m-a-q-d-w-e-d-w-e, that's my name. Mama Q. M-o-w-m-a-q-d-w-e-d-w-e, that's my name. Mama Q, hey, hi, it's me. Mama Q, I welcome you to Moments in Q In Q today.
Speaker 1:Hawaii, black business, hudu, hudu. And are you kinky or not? Hi, hawaii, I give you the green of the day and I'm explaining the why of this episode. Fall, I think, is finally here in Memphis. Tend to Key, y'all. Okay, we have gotten like our usual 80 degrees, but for the past few days, our high has been like what? 79 in the high 70s, starting off the day. I mean ending the day and starting the day. We've been hitting like the 50s and the 60s. So I think fall is finally here, but if you from the south, like me, who knows, this could be summer part two and stuff. So keeping up with the Halloween vibe, you know what I'm saying. I'm going to talk more about spirits in my hudu section to explain the type of spirits that walk with you. I'm also going to talk about alafia, because I know if I mentioned her a couple times in the episodes previous episodes so it's about that time for me to tell you who it is, who she is, and I'm also keeping my promise to talk about what pet play is. So hope it gets you in the festive mood. Yeah, oh, my gosh y'all. So when I talk back to you in two weeks it will be November 2023 is on an MF and mission. I tell you to come out, so I hope y'all enjoy your Halloween. If you celebrate all Saints Day, what else do we have? The other murtos and your dump supper if you choose to have it with your ancestors.
Speaker 1:Black business. I highlighted black business to bring awareness and my experience with said business. Unless I say it, it isn't a paid ad. I am open to pay dads, but I definitely want to highlight black businesses. There's enough money for all of us to get it all right, y'all?
Speaker 1:Alafia Stewart I mentioned her briefly in previous episodes and I wouldn't be shocked if I hadn't mentioned her in other episodes as well. So I'm gonna give you more info about her if you don't already know. Her ifa initiation was featured on PBS and if you go to her website, if I'm not mistaken, you'll have a clip of it so you can see it. So, if I'm not mistaken, because I did learn about her from juju bae and I've been following alafia on her social medias and I attended a class which I'll talk more about that that she hope she co-hosted with juju bae, if I am not mistaken, I think she did not grow up Christian. So that's pretty cool, you know. So, like with a lot of us, especially well, yeah, with a lot of us in America, and I know for sure, within black Americans. You know Christianity is either beaten or brainwashed and doctorated, however you want to say within us, and I don't think her upbringing was like that, which I think is pretty cool, because during one of her classes that I attended, she was trying to find a way to translate into one of the terms I think she was trying to translate what a godfather or a godmother does in connection with someone who knows about Christianity. Like I said, it had been a moment, but let me tell you some more things about her.
Speaker 1:According to her Instagram, she's an author, speaker, a meme mood woman, is an excellent comedic timer, okay, and so when I was in one of her classes that she co-hosted with juju bae, it was via Catlin books, which, unfortunately, they are closing their doors. I think they, catlin books, used to be in NYC. They closed their doors last month, in September, and I cannot remember if they're going to be online only or what not, but it's not a black-owned business, so I'm not going to go into too much details, but any who I had attended the class in that class was E for one oh one, and so I learned a little bit more about the Orishas during that class, and I thoroughly enjoyed it because, again, as we know, per usual when it comes to learning shoot, it almost feels like learning almost anything new or quote unquote, trendy, but when it comes to learning things. There are so many charlatans out there and scammers and books written by people who have no experience in the religion and then from what I heard because you know all I know is who do for the most part, because that's what I practice is that some of the things that you go through your initiations, you're not supposed to share with anybody. So it's like kind of difficult to be able, I feel like in my experience, to be able to learn more about African traditional religion and get a general idea without you know being fooled by people trying to make a quick book, whether they know about it or not and stuff. So it was pretty cool to just get a basic understanding of Eva.
Speaker 1:One of the things that I really really like about Alaphia is the fact that she is a huge advocate and you knowing your godparent, where the regardless if it's godfather or godmother within the religion, and ensuring that you do not, like I've said before, get abused and taken advantage of. Because, like I said before, sometimes when people come in, leaving Christianity and go into ATR or even going to who do you know, some of them are releasing their trauma and hoping they're coming over to. This side is better. I mean, for me it was. But you know there's still those people out there that exist. They want to take advantage of you. So she's tried her best to advocate for people when they start over on this lovely journey with Ifa of course, from her perspective, but you know she doesn't vet anybody by names, but she does say you know, hey, you know, make sure you know this person's first and last name, don't sleep with the godfather like all these, these things. That are rules, just to make you as safe as you can be on this lovely journey, and that's one of the things that I really really like about her.
Speaker 1:She also answered this question, which I'm pretty sure a lot of people give, but the way she answered it really made me feel a little bit better. And if y'all didn't know my boo thing, talk about me a lot because I quote-unquote ramble. I don't think I do. I just like to provide details. But she was able to succinctly sum up a question that I'm pretty sure a lot of Ifa practitioners receive and, as we know, ifa is an African traditional religion and so there are people that are not African or part of the spore that's in the religion, and a lot of times black people are asked. You know how do you feel about that, and so I'm paraphrasing, of course, but the way Alaphia had said it on her website which that's the part I'm paraphrasing, but she even said it when I was in the class with her in juju bang is that basically, she's like you know, she's not able to explain the Orishas and nor make that type of judgment. However, it does raise an eyebrow when you skip your own ancestral practice into this practice, and that's something for me that I'm.
Speaker 1:I know I shouldn't be making this about me, but the next up, the next segment about who do, doesn't pertain to this, so I guess I'll go ahead and say it, but it's been a kind of like a struggle for me. If you haven't noticed, is that when I had met Tony kill I know I talked about him in the early beginnings of my episodes is that? You know? I was ecstatic to read about him and I had this assumption he was a black person, because you know you're talking about who do or whatever, and kind of find out I'm pretty sure he's white, but he has. From what I heard, he has been initiated in other religions and stuff and the way he goes about. It is definitely not whitewashing, but I can't help. But it kind of reminds me of what Jill Scott had wrote about in ebony oh my gosh, like maybe a decade or more ago when she was asked or she wrote about it what have you about seeing interracial couples? And she said it makes her just wins W? I N C? E.
Speaker 1:And that's how I fell to like we're talking about who do, and here on this majority black people, which is great, but in this class there are a couple of white folks and stuff and I'm always leery about them because we know with history they have shown us who they are, with some of them having the ability to whitewash anything that is indigenous and Africans have done not even just Africans, of course the indigenous practices. That exists with the original people over the different continents, that's, in the world. But we know with color colonization how they have whitewash, downplayed, demonized, etc. Etc. The things that the indigenous people did, you know, and trying to make a quick book offer spirituality and stuff, and so whenever I would see them and I Would see that they are not like, like after a Latinx person, etc. Yeah, we'll make me just look at them a little bit crazy and stuff, especially within who do, because with who do, as we know, that was taught as liberation From Massa.
Speaker 1:So why are you coming over here and stuff? And again, I don't know a lot about ifa so I can't really really talk about that, but yeah, but here and her, explain that really. You know, put things into perspectives because, um, sometimes we do know that us, as black people, we seem to be very open to people Coming over with us, whether it's part of the divine nine or our traditions, our colleges, everything, even though the things that we Create was because we weren't allowed to enjoy them. And then they get to come over and Something like I just said sometimes when they do come over, they take over and stuff. So, yeah, me too I would wince if there was anybody I'm in a majority black space that is not African or part of the spore coming over because you just never know are they an ally or they're a colonizer. You know I'm saying so, um, that was a great way that, um, she responded and stuff and, um, I don't know. I feel like it put things in perspective. So, with all of that being said, per usual her info will be in the show notes. Who do? Who do I get to the root of? Who do Conjure of thoughts that pop into my head about spirituality? Come on, get this work. As you know, my boo thing, my love of my motherfucking life and I are watching Godfather Harlem. Okay, we're now on season three, and it premiered earlier this year.
Speaker 1:In one episode, santarria was mentioned by a human Character. His name is Jose. Okay, so Santarria is an ATR that began in West Africa and involved once our African ancestors Were abducted and dropped into Cuba. It then spread into Latin America and the US and, per usual, that's all I can say about the religion, because all our practice is who do so? During the scene, jose, jose went to a Mathrina to divine if he should involve himself in a business deal with bumpy Johnson.
Speaker 1:At that moment, a thought came into my head to talk about spiritual teams and divinations, and I went through my scripts because you know, I gotta have them. I am 99% positive. I never mentioned spiritual teams and for sure I mentioned divinations. So first I'm gonna just quickly talk about divinations. So, um, spoil alert, but it's not a big spoiler alert. But Um, jose, he decided to divine and he said that he divines before making any big decision and I also do the same thing. I'll either divine I'll divine first and just a double check. When I get the download I'll talk to my sister, or I will talk to Pamela to help me, and I thought that was pretty cool.
Speaker 1:Now in this scene I'm Poppy Johnson, who talks about having a legichi ancestry. He saw the madrina and I hope I don't mispronounce this word also bogey, which from what I remember learning, is a bad thing. So anyway, he kind of scoffed at Jose when he was like no, we're not gonna do. Also go bow, also go bow. I'm sorry if I'm mispronouncing it. I used to know what that word, I used to know how to pronounce it correctly anyway, and he was like shells, you're gonna listen to shells. And that kind of threw me off, because I do Understand that not everybody Practices who do or anything like that. But I had made the assumption that if he had gola gichi Ancestry did, that part would still be in him. But who knows, maybe because, bump, he doesn't like to say no and he wanted this business idea that he just was like who would want to listen to the orisha's to help make a decision.
Speaker 1:But I encourage people to do that, not necessarily orisha's, because, again, that's not part of my religion, but you know divine with your spirit teams in order to have them assist you with big decisions and see if they can even help you with some of the smaller decisions. I think the divination is very important and helpful and navigating this thing called life. So Let me tell you what your spiritual teams are. It's usually your ancestors, spirit guides and helpers and, of course, your higher self. Now, higher self You've probably heard that before, definitely by me, but One of the other names for your higher self is your conscious, your guardian angel or, if you're part of an ATR, your ori. Okay, your higher self is the one that has been with you and will continue to be with you each time you Reincarnate. If I'm not mistaken, I think your higher self is also your original soul, and your higher self was also with you when you decided to talk to the divine God, the Creator. However, you describe this spirit when you told them what you wanted to accomplish here on earth.
Speaker 1:Your higher self also allows Things to happen or not happen. So, for example, if you're like yo higher cell, give me a million dollars, and you talk to your ancestor, hey's ancestors, help me get a million dollars and if your ancestors like, yeah, I'll do it, if your higher self doesn't think that You're capable, ready for whatever reason to get it, you won't get it, because your higher self can see the future and you have to kind of think and of course, I'll go into more details about your ancestors. You have to think of, of your ancestors, of course. They were human, are human, obviously, and they are who they were when they were here on earth. So, obviously, if they were petty people, they're petty in the spiritual world and they are more so the type of people that will give you.
Speaker 1:You don't want to come to them or know should I do this? You know they're more of the people who give you opinions. There we go. Your ancestors are opinionated. You know what I'm saying, just like anybody else, right? Your higher self is more like a parent. They run it. You know. I remember, because you know we talked about Jujubei and talked about Lafiyah with her Risha God and, if I'm not mistaken, she had said to the parent like you know, if you want to give your child a piece of candy, well, not your child, but a child, a piece of candy, you know you would go to the parent first and ask if that's okay. So that's who your higher self is. Your higher self is the one who says, yeah, you're native of things that you ask for.
Speaker 1:Okay, I talk to my higher self a lot. I've even seen my higher self in dreams. It kind of reminds me of angels. Let me explain. So I've seen artistic re-inditions of what angels look like according to the Bible, and if I would see an angel, that would freak me the fuck out. And some people say that's probably why in the Bible it says do not. What is it? Fear not.
Speaker 1:I think that my higher self, when they visit me in my dreams, I feel like they come in different forms to make me feel comfortable. That's it. I've talked to other people and their higher selves have appeared as different type of animals. Some has appeared as humans. So that's what I think I'm just to make you feel comfortable. They don't have names per se, but you can ask them to give you a name. I mean to give them. I mean, wait, okay, they don't have names per se, but you can ask for them to give you a name, if that makes any sense. The name that my higher self said I could call them was pretty ironic to me because it when I looked it up, I was like, are you serious? When I looked it up, it all flowed together and made sense. So higher self is hilarious to me.
Speaker 1:They don't hold my hands as much as I would like for them to, because I'm very needy when it comes to me working with spirituality, but when they do come through, they come through. I can't meditate to talk to them, I have to write or just dream. Meditation doesn't work at all, they told me. It doesn't work for me to communicate with them. So, even though I'm about to tell you to meditate, I encourage you to meditate or at the very least, call your higher self and just like, be like, hey, how yourself. Come to me and just start talking and develop a relationship, just like you will, with your other spirits, to see what would work, a best way to work for them to work with you, because, again, they can see the future and we do know that energy in the universe can change. So what? So what they might say is the best interest for you now might not necessarily stick, but at least you can get a glimpse into the future so you can get a general idea of the things that you want to do, see if you're on the right path for whatever it is that you said, that that you wanted to do when you get here, and so, so you won't quote, unquote, waste time. You know, I think it's great. So, yeah, per usual, encourage. I encourage you to develop a relationship, talk to your higher self and just see how it goes from there.
Speaker 1:The next one is your spirit guides and helpers. Pamela, she has said a best way to describe them is they are advocates for you, like Johnny Carcassan RIP Johnny Carcassan so they advocate for you and for me. I don't talk to them, unfortunately, as much as I should. They work well with me meditating. They have no problem with being there when I meditate. So the reason being is because, when it comes to your spirit guides and helpers, they can also be your ancestors, they could even be your higher self, they could be ascended masters, they can be archangels or other beings, and so for me, with my spirit guides and helpers, some of them are already part of different teams already. So for me, if I call on them, it's almost like I'm repeating myself with talking. Although one of them is not part of my spirit, my other part of my spirit team, so I should talk to them more. But because two out of three I talked to already, I'm not as consistent as I should be and I would like to be with them.
Speaker 1:But I do want to talk about ascended masters and what that is. And ascended masters are people that were here on earth and they made such a huge impact and they did not want to reincarnate and decided to just stay as ascended masters to help out people. Different people will say different types of ascended masters. Some people say Buddha is an ascended master, mary Magdalene, jesus mom. Some people will say Jesus is and Ascended, not ascended. I'm so sorry. Um was, yeah, ascended master. I'm not for sure because my ascended masters is not neither one of those people and stuff, but again, um, they can use their knowledge of things. You're ascended Well, not just in the masters, but definitely your spirit gods and helpers.
Speaker 1:They can use what they have to help you together Navigate this lovely thing called life. Your last ones, but not the least ones, are your ancestors and they can be from your bloodline or the bloodline of when you reincarnate it. But this is hella different than what other people think. So, for example, I hear it, read it a lot on spiritual tick tock. Who do tick tock, where white people will say, well, I should be able to practice. Who do, because you know this body of monsters being reincarnated and I could have been black in a previous life, and it's like but right now, boot thing, well, not boot thing, but I'm sorry, but right now boo you white, okay, um, I believe that's one of the things that's taught within.
Speaker 1:Who do is and, I'm pretty sure, other African traditional religions, but definitely who do is that we, when we reincarnate, we reincarnate within our bloodline. So my last soul was black, the one before that, like, and I'm even black today. So it's like what fuck you know I'm saying, and also that's not a cop out, because that's past lives and we're currently talked about your present life, okay. So, yeah, let's not use that. But if you reincarnate, when you reincarnate it, um, you also did have ancestors, so they could also continue to walk with you as well. But nine times out of ten, our ancestors are our bloodline from either now or our last soul, and so, within your ancestors, you can have ancestral teams with them based on their knowledge that they had on earth.
Speaker 1:So, for example, if your ancestor was an accountant, okay, you should expect that they will be good with money. You can be like yo Accountants help me keep money, obtain money and know what to do with it and make great money moves. If they were a business owner, they were successful. Hey, give me the knowledge that you had tomorrow in your business. Successful If they were a realtor. Or they were just good with flipping houses hey, you know. Help me figure out how I can sell houses, or help me find a good house. You know herbalist or a gardener? Hey, you know what kind of herbs will help me because I don't want to use Western medicine. Or what kind of Way should I have my garden girl, because I don't trust the food that is being produced. Again, there's so many things that they can do, which is why I keep a list of my current relatives and even myself, things that we like to do and things that we're good at, and this is another thing.
Speaker 1:Not only is it great for you to talk to your family about your ancestors that venerates them, of course, and you get to know more about them, but also for other reasons, such as who do so. You can know who you can ask for help and that could help you a little bit when it comes to Divining, to try to have a spiritual team, and you can have your ancestors broken into different ancestral teams If you have yourself a good Diviner who can do that for you and you can figure out the different ways again, how to navigate through this lovely thing that we called life. For me, I love having teams because I like it better than just Relying on God's last Jesus, and I know how that sounds and I'm okay with that because in my logical brain I'm thinking okay, so many people are praying to God's last Jesus To help, that's a lot of people, and we're gonna put all that pressure on him, them, they, whatever like really. But in Catholicism it's not like that and and of course I'm not very versed in Catholicism. But one thing I do know that they use saints to assist them. They'll have whatever same because I'm not Catholic, you can look it up but a saint to help you find things, a saint for you To get justice. So I don't think it's very far afetch or even incorrect that in with in Catholicism they have different saints to assist them, or rishas, lawas and a voodoo and within Eva. So how does this seem so of us so much of a stretch? If we have it within who do, I don't see anything wrong with that.
Speaker 1:And also, speaking of who do, technically, bits and pieces of this is not quote-unquote who do. But just bear with me. The reason I say that is because we all have ancestors, obviously, duh, and we all have the ability to have a higher self. So just using that particular part of connecting with yours, with your higher self, and or connecting with your ancestors is not Not Closed practice in that aspect. Just that small part. Okay, just that small part, because we all have ancestors, blah, blah, blah. Now there's other parts, obviously, that is, who do and who do only so you know. But this part that I'm talking about is not. So there's nothing wrong.
Speaker 1:I feel like there's nothing wrong with trying to connect to them and Developing a team because, again, speaking for myself, if my honorable and lying ancestors are here and want to help me, what's wrong with me having them help me with the things that they're good at, with their Strong suits, their strengths and stuff? And this also goes into you wanting, and I'm sure I've said this before, but no biggie, I don't mind repeating it and reminding you that you also need to educate them about what's going on in the world right now. Okay, yeah, maybe, depending on when they were alive, they probably did know about the conflict within Israel and Palestine, but they might not know what happened today. You know, I'm saying, and I think you definitely want to educate them and keep them abreast of what's going out, what's going on currently within this world that we live, because I don't really believe that all my ancestors are like literally like Looking down on me 24, seven. That's kind of weird. And so, finn, I'm not the only descendant, I'm not the only descendant, and If I don't tell them what's going on in the world, they might not be able to help me to the best of their ability. Because, let's think about it, due to inflation, prices have risen and so, back in their days, who knows, maybe a G Got them very far here in 2023, a G ain't gonna get you that far. So you know you got to let them know because, who knows, they might be like what you need to 3,000 dollars for you know just all these things and stuff.
Speaker 1:And, of course, you know, if you have an honorable and enlightened ancestor that recently passed, they could help educate your ancestors as well and stuff. But there's nothing wrong again with you talking to them, communicating with them and keeping them abreast with things. That's going on just again, so they can get a general idea and help you. Because I feel like the more Information that you give them, the more you talk to them. Of course that's giving them energy. Of course that's bonding and strengthening your relationship, that that you have with them, but also that is allowing them to understand why you're asking for what you're asking for and why.
Speaker 1:It might seem like, for example, an exorbitant amount of money that you're asking for, or you're asking for a job that makes X amount of money. It's like the job that you have now is making a decent amount of money and it's like, oh, but I got bills to pay. You know what I'm saying. So, again, it all comes together so that way that everybody can help you to the best of their abilities. And we already know the higher self is the one who's going to be saying yeah or nay anyway. But at the very least you can do again is talk to them so that when you use divination to talk to them, that's not taking up too much of their energy and stuff. You want to help and give them all the information they can, because divining and having them talk to us can take up a lot of energy. So, yeah, I think that and here is, this is not the best metaphor that I'm going to use, but just roll with it, okay. So another thing for me is that, like, isn't that empowering and great to know that as you walk in the sand, you have I don't know thousands of footprints behind you versus having one set of footprints carrying you. You know it's great to have a team because you know there's no I in team.
Speaker 1:Are you kinky or not? I'm a proud kingster of the BDSM community. Let me tell you about this lifestyle to see if you want to come over to the dark side. We got candles, alright, as promised pet play. So just a reminder from last time pet players and furries can exist in both circles, but they are different. Pet players become the animal versus furries. They see the animals as you walk in the sand. They see the furries. They see the animals as humans, walking upright, speaking human language, etc.
Speaker 1:So years ago, when I was with my local kinky community, I went to a few classes on pet play. You know me. I'm always open minded and wanting to learn and I figure, why not? So the now married couple that I mentioned last Thursday episode taught the class. He was a wolf and she was a kitten, and usually when they are in pet play mode, she is the quote unquote submissive, which means things are done to her, but she is usually in kitten mode because that's the animal that she identifies, okay, and her husband is the pet owner or the handler. Now, from what I've seen, pet owner and handler and trainer are three different roles, but we're just going to talk about the pet and the owner, okay. So during the class he told us that she eats out of a pet bowl and that you have to be careful that there are some. I don't know how they found this out, maybe it's on the containers, but there are some food that cats eat that is not harmful for humans. So sometimes she would eat quote unquote cat food, okay, and so, like when they're in pet owner mode, she walks around all four with her cat ears and her cat tails, she meows and she is just seen as a cat and that's it.
Speaker 1:I've also seen her in the pet cages, because when I was at the X my now X dungeon. They had pet cages and sometimes they would place their pets in there or they would put their submissives in there. You know, people are into some pretty cool things. Okay, I cannot remember if I mentioned this before, but it is what it is. I'm the dungeon. They used to have this event called simple, your fantasy, or bits and bytes, and when you're there at that event you get introduced to kinky stuff and that lets you know if it's your kink or not.
Speaker 1:And I'd like that because that's kind of a cheap way to get into different kinks without spending money. Because I mean, it can get pretty expensive unless you use pervertibles, which I'll talk about that another time. But say like, if you think you're interested in whips, well, whips can be expensive. And if that's not your thing as a giver or receiver, why waste time? You know what I'm saying? So I decided to go to their pet playroom because, again, I was interested and, yeah, at the time I was wearing faux locks because I wanted to see how I looked with locks before I got them, because it's a commitment, and so I wanted to be a lion and y'all. I do have a great imagination, but I ain't lying and when I say I wasn't feeling that kink. So I know that pet play isn't for me, but who knows, it could be for you. So if you think that pet play is your kink or you're curious, first you need to decide if you want to be a pet or owner and then after that, if you decide to be a pet, you need to figure out what kind of pet you want to be.
Speaker 1:You're not limited to kittens or cats. I've seen a pet dog. I've seen a horse which, or a pony as they call it. I'll talk about that, both of those in a minute. When I met the dog he were a dog collar. He had the dog leather mask and he had dog Well, I don't know if their dog mitts, but leather mitts. So he was on all fours. So him and the kid, they would just have fun or he'll chase her around and stuff like that. It was pretty cute.
Speaker 1:I've seen pony play before and I kind of feel like that should be its own separate king versus being under pet play. But whatever, I'll briefly go over it. So pony play is like it sounds. You know, you dress up as a pony, you have what? The bit in your mouth and you allow somebody to whip you and you might also, if you're strong enough, has some carry somebody because you're a pony.
Speaker 1:So yeah, I think at one point in time the dungeon wanted to have a kink human lingerie I hope that's how you pronounce that word, but that basically just mean a zoo and stuff to show off all the different pets and stuff.
Speaker 1:So yeah, another thing obviously, if you want to be a pet, after you figure out what kind of pets you want to be, you can always go to the dollar store to buy products that are cheap enough, just see if you are interested in it, and then from there, you know, of course, you find yourself an owner that's willing to treat you like a pet or want to train you, and, like I had said, what they said are trainers very self explanatory they would train the pet on how to act. Yeah, that almost sounds like an owner and stuff. It's like I said, it's a pretty interesting kink. It's not a kink of mine, but I mean this is Halloween, so, who knows, you can be into pet play at during Halloween and nobody will look at you any different. So good luck, you filthy animal. Well, I've talked enough, cue out.