Moments in Queue
Moments in Queue (MIQ) is about the thoughts within Momma Queue. The purpose is to bring awareness of the fact that humans aren’t one note but several. Initially, MIQ can sound like a cacophony cause of my ADHD brain, but that’s what you get when I’m on the MIQ.
Email: mommaqueue@hayhiqueue.com
IG: Hayhiqueue
TikTok: Hayhiqueue
Website: Hayhiqueue.com
Note: I will never DM. I am way too busy. And all transcripts are available on my buzzsprout page.
Moments in Queue
Episode 55| Lagniappe
Hey! Hi! It’s me MommaQueue. I welcome you to Moments in Queue.
In Queue Today: Hi Why > Black Business > Who do Hoodoo > and Are you Kinky or Knot
Look I am talking about eatings and beatings cause isn’t that what Holy Week is about? Christians always wanna talk about spiritual people that don’t practice their religion until they need a lil something extra from them. Then it’s save me but don’t tell nobody. You think I wanna be your lil secret like Xscape? I am out the witches closet. I mention learning about traiteurs which are Cajun healers. Thanks to Oprah Winfrey highlighting the show Queen Sugar. Don’t listen to this on an empty stomach.
Black restaurant week on IG (for some reason this text box wouldn’t allow one word)
Queen Sugar by Natalie Baszile
Saint Andrew’s Cross 😳
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Website: Hayhiqueue.com
Email: mommaqueue@hayhiqueue.com
IG: Hayhiqueue
TikTok: Hayhiqueue
Note: I will never DM. I am way too busy. And all transcripts are available on my buzzsprouts page.
M-O-W-M-A-Q-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E. That's my name. Mama Q, m-o-w-m-a-q-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e, that's my name. Mama Q, say it faster. Slow don't really matter, though the U-E gets them in the tongue. Tizzy yo, hey, kinda dizzy bro. Who was she? Mama Q? Mama gave birth little ways, no girth several years ago. No, I don't want. Mo Q is a lie and I tried to align this double untundra, petty, ha-ha. It's one of my mantras. Mama Q, I'm the first one in and the first one out. Mivis tinnakey is my word about. Don't complain, man. Say, stick to one topic. I reply your mind is very myopic with Mama Q. You need better opts, picking and choosing, copying me. Are you uninspired? Definitely. No need to whisper gracefully. I like it better off-key. Now let's see. Do you remember me? M-o-w-m-a-q-w-e, d-o-w-e, that's my name, mama Q. M-o-w-m-a-q-w-e, d-o-w-e, that's my name, mama Q. Hey, hi, it's me, mama Q. I welcome you to Moments in Q. In Q today. Hi-wai, black Business, houdu, houdu. And are you kinky or not? Hi-wai, give you the green of the day and I'm explaining the why of this episode. Ramadan Kareem. May Allah answer your prayers this month. I'm on time, but a little late. Look, I move when spirit wants me to share my thoughts. It ain't tomorrow yet I hope you ate already because I will talk about some black restaurants, because Memphis Black Restaurant Week is ending, but support is appreciated all year. Houdu gets a double shot because I roll my eyes at the Christians current social media frenzy and introduce new to me Traders which I briefly learned in the book Queen Sugar. And since Easter is coming, let me talk about the St Andrews' Crawls for all your kinky fun.
Speaker 1:Black Business. I highlight a black business to bring awareness and my experience with said business. Unless I say it, it isn't a paid ad. I'm open to paid ads, but I definitely want to highlight black business. There's enough money for all of us to get it. Memphis had its Black Restaurant Week and I've been to a few of them restaurants, so let me tell you about it.
Speaker 1:Mahogany, memphis, is delicious. If you are looking for healthy eating, this ain't the place. They do it themselves the upscale Southern with the dash of Creole. I'm going to suck up the themes in wordplay. Their courses are named the extras, which means appetizers. The props, that soup is salad. The cast, that's the entrees, the wrangler for the chillens, the stunts I forgot what that was and the finale, which is desserts. They even have vegan options, vegan options, I mean.
Speaker 1:Anyway, the adult beverages have cute nicknames too. As a lover of brown liquor, like my man, I had a drink from a woman, though it was called the Robin Givens, aka Boomerang with whiskey, lemon juice and bitters. It made me move in my seat, just like Eddie Murphy did in the movie Boomerang. I ate the catfish because it had hot water, comb bread and that comb bread, like an Asian person did on TikTok faking a black accent, is called corn bread and collard greens. Because I'm yeah, I need veggies in my life. I know I'm making you hungry, so I will eat it there.
Speaker 1:But I will talk about other restaurants that I enjoyed as well. Sage went there for their brunch, slimming Huskies I like their pizza and Bala's Bistro. Now, a friend of mine can remember if I told you he's from well, I don't know if we're still friends, but anyway he's from Nigeria and he said that he didn't care too much for the Bala's Bistro because it's a West African cuisine and he felt like it was Americanized. Look, I liked it because, you know, love me some Jalof rice. So, whether you made it to Memphis Black Restaurant Week or not, please support these black businesses and or other black business restaurants in your area. If you need to know about other black restaurants, I follow Black Restaurant Week on IG. They celebrate black-owned restaurants all year round. So even if you travel outside your city, you can still support black restaurants. All right, bon appetit.
Speaker 1:Hootoo, Hootoo. I get to the root of hootoo. Conjure up thoughts that pop into my mind about spirituality. Come on, get this work. I didn't want to talk about social media demonizing hootoo.
Speaker 1:New age spirituality, as they call it, reiki and other things I may or may not practice, but you know what I mean. I love drama and talking shit, but anyway, I will try my absolute best to briefly skim over it. Then talk about a book I read a while ago. Oh yeah, because that book I read a while ago that briefly mentioned about spell work. Alright, so per usual, I feel like people that practice spirituality and the like be minding their motherfucking business and without notice. Someone feels like I've spoke to them and told them to condemn a practice that they know nothing about aside from movies and maybe Google. These people refuse to learn or hear their practices of Christianity and the quote unquote new age spirituality is similar. I have a Christian Facebook friend that has reposted several times this week, this stuff the original poster, per usual screenshot of stuff from Google that they didn't even flow together.
Speaker 1:Many times yoga people not the skinny white women have said yoga is more than an exercise of stretching and is not demonic. Nor is it a hootoo religion. If anything, it's a practice that, in my words, teach you to listen to your body, have self-awareness of your body and meditate, which has nothing to do with religion, especially Hinduism, wait, I'm sorry, especially Christianity. So, without further ado, I will briefly read the statuses, hopefully say a sentence or two, maybe laugh. And you know, as my pre-roll says, make your decisions on the things that I repeated.
Speaker 1:Alright, first one on the list. Um, yeah, I didn't like it, but anyway. It says are you practicing the occult and rich craft and don't even know it? So here are the things that I guess is considered occult and witchcraft Horoscopes, numerology, psychics, spirit guides, yoga crystals, sage, manifesting chakras, remasonry, reiki, reincarnation, enneagram, terro cards, evil eye, palm reading, angel numbers and mediums. What the fuck ever? And my thing is like, even if you are a person who is religious and part of the Abrahamic religions, more specifically Christian, um, what's wrong with reading a freaking horoscope? All you're doing is reading and I thought reading was fundamental. So anyway, some of the things hopefully I haven't repeated myself, but whatever, some of the things that I find very interesting about this is numerology, because I feel like numerologies is all throughout the freaking Bible, especially, if I'm not mistaken, the Old Testament, when they talked about the 12 Trials of Israel, sounds like numerology to me. But whatever, I've already talked about the whole psychics things and there's somebody in the Bible who used to have dreams or whatever like that. So that's not important.
Speaker 1:Spirit gods. I mean, isn't Jesus a spirit god? Isn't there that picture of Jesus walking in the sand? There's two feet and then carrying somebody, and if he's a spirit, isn't he guiding you? So isn't that a spirit god? But again, what do I know? Crystals, we've already talked about, is in the Bible. Sage. That's more towards Native American within their culture, but I mean there's his up in the Bible.
Speaker 1:I talked about that before manifesting, pretty sure I talked about that before. To me that's the same thing as somebody praying and even if it's not like people will always say, especially whether well, I know I'm a Southerner, but they will especially say, hey, you know, words have meaning. Be careful with what you say, don't speak that into existence. So sounds like manifesting to me Chakras not in the Bible that I know of, if I'm not mistaken. That's more towards the religion of Hinduism, and I don't like how, again, a religion that has nothing to do with Christianity, something that predates Christianity, is called demonic, when, again, as I've said so many times before, christianity is a baby Jesus. I mean a baby religion, because it's only 2020, for years old, which Hinduism, if I'm not mistaken, is the oldest religion to be found in the world. It's like 5,000 years ago, and that was before we had to change our timetable of life or whatever, to before Christ, after the death, whatever. So blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I really don't like it.
Speaker 1:And, of course, some people were trying to be like oh, my gosh, I do some of that stuff too. I don't know if I'm going anywhere or whatever, because some people were in the comments talking about, like I said, the manifestation problem of like how they don't think that that manifestation is bad. And some people are like oh, you know, you're supposed to go to God, jesus, whomever, for everything, and I don't know. I just don't like that. I just don't understand how you mean to tell me, as a human having a human experience, I still need people to lean on and stuff like that, and I can't go in this life by myself. But God slash, jesus can.
Speaker 1:But at the same time there's saints. Within the religion of Catholicism, there's some people who are Catholics. They were prayed to for assistance and then within other spiritualities and or religions, they have help with other deities and it's just not just putting everything on one God. But hey, you know whatever. So Memphis, be Memphis in. And so someone has said you know, memphis does not have a crime problem, it has a sin problem. We are taking territory for the kingdom of God. Hashtag Memphis will be saved again. That's annoying as hell to me Ha pun intended, because not everybody obviously is a Christian in the great old city of Memphis.
Speaker 1:One and number two Is it really? Is that really the issue? Because to me, if anything, having that kind of thought process to me sounds like colonizer mentality, because isn't that what the white man did? They came over to West Africa, took our ancestors because they felt like they could save them and that the way that they were living their life was shitty, and that here they come to save everybody whatever. And I think that part of the reason Memphis is having the issues that they have. I don't think it has anything to do with religion, because I mean one shouldn't religion be helping? I mean, there are tax free business establishment and they're supposed to be getting lots of money from people donating their ties and offering building fun and everything else, so why can't y'all use that to help the community around you? But anyway, on top of that, I think, obviously if you're not making enough money to sustain yourself and or the constituents that you voted for or didn't vote for aren't doing anything to help you out, sometimes people have to get how they live and it'd be like that. Sometimes it sucks. And let's not forget about systemic racism that exists and everything. All that comes with all the other isms. But I digress. Last one See, I'm proud of myself. I'm being as brief as I can with these things. This one says okay, I can't just sit back and watch God's people perish due to lack of knowledge.
Speaker 1:Many of you are engaged in witchcraft, normally and unknowingly. It is very dangerous and it's called Idolatry. Yeah, I think I pronounced that right. If you believe in the Lord, please take time to educate yourself on the origin of things and do your own research. Many of these things are rooted in spirituality and which is called divination.
Speaker 1:Spirituality without Christ is idolatry and there are demons attached to these practices. They are ancient rituals and opens of portals of darkness. Them, waste pieces, witchcraft, the angel eye how can evil cast out? Protect evil? Amulets are sorcery, chakras is counterfeit. Consciousness and enlightenment, terror, cars, medium, psychics all idolatry. God is our healer, deliverer, comforterer and all we need. It's through Christ we encounter the Spirit of God and what we need. When you partake in these things rather you believe, know it or not you allow demons to come in and attack you. Nothing can keep evil spirits away but the Spirit of God. Please, you guys, be careful. It may not seem harmful, but it truly is to your soul. I think it only is true. It's only harmful to your soul if you know you're a Christian and I think also within that thing.
Speaker 1:She has said that she has casted out demons herself. So to me that sounds like a demonologist, but I guess again, it's okay when she does it, but if someone else tries to be an exorcist it's not cool. A thing that I thought was pretty hilarious and stuff is that she had a lot of Bible verses through it and showed from like freaking just Google, without even paying attention to it, like was showing evil eyes and stuff like that in the different colors. I heard of evil. I know about it, but that's not something that I really really practice on that one. And then waste beads. Last, that I've known about waste beads is just a way for people to see the shrinkage of their waste. I don't know what she's referencing and saying that all that stuff is dynamic. Yeah, I don't like it, but you know it is what it is.
Speaker 1:As per usual, I honestly, for real, for real, continue to say this I have no issues with the things that Christians do. I really don't but it's just be people who are practicing, minding their own business and next thing you know, everything is wrong and it's full of demons. They've done this many, many times with the religion of Islam, which is so annoying because they're all under the umbrella of Abrahamic religions and they'll say, like, how, if a woman covers how? That is just weird and wrong. But they have no problem with trying to have this modest type of where when it comes to women with this whole purity culture. But most of that stuff you've heard me say before. So it's not a big deal, but I don't know, it just brings me laughter to read all this stuff and everything.
Speaker 1:When you know me personally, I don't try my. I don't try to like force people to believe in my spirituality. I'm more out the closet in my regular life than just being on social media. For example, at my job they had asked me because I forgot what it was. I think one of my classmates was talking about Ramadan. No, it was talking about they don't eat pork. So somebody had assumed that he was practicing Islam. So I just rolled with it, which is no big deal. I was like, oh my gosh, are you practicing Ramadan right now and stuff. And he was like, uh, no, I'm not Muslim, I'm Muslim sometimes, or whatever. He just meant that because of the fact that he doesn't eat pork. Okay, cool. So then they had asked me was was I Muslim or whatever? I was like no, I said I practice Huda and for the first time in forever, nobody judged me or anything about it and stuff.
Speaker 1:And there's been times that people know that I practice or whatever, and they'll ask me questions about it and again I tell them the good, the bad of it so that they can make sound decisions. But as always, when you hear, when I talked about my Buddha, I love all my Mike Foxtrot life. I do not try to convert anybody at all and I have had some people in my family who are big on Christianity and had no problem with asking me to put a little bit of extra some, some on their um porch or with my prayers, reiki etc and things like that. So it's like what I feel is that there's a lot of people who fake it, obviously on social media, where they'll do a little something as far as saying what they shouldn't do, but if things get too crazy, I would not be surprised if they try to go to somebody who is a spiritualist to try to get some help. But that's neither here nor there. Let's talk about something that's cooler.
Speaker 1:I want to talk about the Queen's Sugar book. All right. So when the Queen's Sugar show was on air, I looked at it. When it ended I was a few seasons behind the last season. I remember I don't know what season it was, but the aunt and uncle got married. If you know, you know. If you don't, don't worry about it. All right, I do a video plan on finishing out the series, albeit I'm late as hell.
Speaker 1:Somehow way, somehow, I learned that the series was based off a book, and here is the description of the book. All right, it's called Queen's Sugar. Duh, I know y'all know that, according to Goodreads, all right, queen's Sugar by Natalia Beth Sile, a mother daughter story of reinvention about an African American woman who unexpectedly inherits a sugar cane farm in Louisiana. Why exactly Charlie Borderline's late father left her 800 sprawling acres of sugar cane land in rural Louisiana is as mysterious as it was generous. Recognizing this is a chance to start over. Charlie and her 11-year-old daughter, micah, say goodbye to Los Angeles. They arrive just in time for growing season, but no amount of planning can prepare Charlie for Louisiana. That's mirrored in the past. As her judgmental but big hearted grandmother tells her, cane farming is always going to be a white man's business. As the swirtering summer unfolds, charlie must place the overwhelming challenges of her farm with the demands of a home, sick daughter, a bitter and troubled brother and the startling desires of her own heart.
Speaker 1:Then it talks about penguin and stuff like that. Penguin is the publishing company. The mention of a cane cutter statue that reminded me of an African deity and that was in the book, which I thought was pretty cool. I tried to go through the book quickly when I was making my notes to see if I ever got the name of the cane cutter and stuff, and I did not. I'm just going to say it just reminds me of an African deity, because I'm not very versed on a lot of the African deities that exist because especially in the Orisha tradition there are a lot of them and stuff. But within the book the cane cutter was a very important piece within it. That was like an inspiration to Charlie and her family and stuff. So that's that. And then I'm going to talk about some more little snippets of the book that I have read. Well, actually it was an autobiography. I listened to it, but whatever, whatever, whatever, same old thing, little snippets of spirituality that I found within it. So of course, it being said in NOLA, the book mentioned of Odun.
Speaker 1:In the book one of the characters not going to tell you because I want to spoil it for you was desperate but felt too desperate to see someone that practices voodoo. The name used to describe was trait, trait to yours. According to the Daily Advertiser in Lafayette, louisiana, traitors are healers. They are part of the French Creole culture and I don't speak French so I'm pretty sure I'm not pronouncing it correctly. Yeah, but the traitor lays hands on the affected person, praising French and heals the person. That's a brief description, but I wanted to mention that because you can read and research the article on your own and to tell you about the scene in the book. The desperate character received a necklace in non-space, perfect knots and did in. The person who gave the knots to the character did not accept any money. This traitor was an elderly man, not a woman like you might assume, but traitors can be any gender.
Speaker 1:The last portion of the book I want to talk about is a character that used the Bible verse. That sounded like a curse to me. The person said when thou tiltest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee. Her strength of fugitive and a vagabond shall doubt be in the earth. And so when the character received that was like did you curse me? And I thought that was pretty interesting because of course I've remembered many times when people use Bible verses, be it they use Bible verses for encouragement, which is great, or to remind people of things to do or not to do, but there are, in my opinion, the Bible is a book of spells and sometimes you can read the curses well, not the curses, but you can read the Bible verses out loud and possibly use it for vengeful reasons and curse somebody and or the family in the bloodline, because you know, per usual we know that there are powers in the words.
Speaker 1:When I listened to the audible for this book, I wasn't expecting for spirituality to show up seriously. I just wanted to listen to the difference between the show and the book and I was pleasantly surprised. I don't remember seeing any type of workings or conjuring in the TV show like I saw on P Valley. But you know, like kink I enjoy seeing my lifestyle or variations of it in the media. I know it's Christians in a tizzy, but the representation sparks conversation, sometimes arguments, but most definitely curiosity and something to learn more. Hopefully you're on the latter end and want to know more about Treyor Tours. Are you kinky or not? I'm a proud kinkster at the BDSM community. Let me tell you about this lifestyle to see if you want to come over to the dark side. We got candles. According to Scotland's website, yeah, the country.
Speaker 1:St Andrews is the patron saint of Scotland and also the saint of fishmongers, gout singers, sore throats, spinsters, spinsters maidens, old maids and women wishing to become mothers. The flag of Scotland is the South Tire, also known as St Andrews Cross, and the ancient town of St Andrews was named due to its claim of being the final resting place of St Andrew. Georgetown Library said, several decades after Christ was crucified, apostle Andrew endured the same thing. The Romans tilted the X. Now, what does this have to do with kink? Well, as you know, adult heathens we prefer anything with other consenting adult heathens.
Speaker 1:People in BDSM use the cross to get their punishment for their sins. The cross is multifunctional for kinksters. You could be tied to it, cuffed, banged and my favorite tortured. Very versatile. Before you play on kinky equipment, ensure you clean before and definitely after, because some people get turned on by pain. You know I'm a sucker for pain. You heard of that song. Anyway, song crosses have handlebars to put your hands on.
Speaker 1:Others may have D-rings, and I'm not talking about cock rings. I'm talking about the rings that you can use to put your mittens on and or your rope stuff like that. Or you are just out of luck and must be creative. If it doesn't have that, I prefer to have the bottoms ass towards me because I need the fatty parts of their body exposed. It's a bit safer. Don't hear near the kidneys, though. We never want to break or injure our precious, our precious, precious. Just give them a little sum sum to remember you, that's all. If you're going to have the bottom tied up, do not put a gag in their mouth because remember you got to be able to notice when they want a safe word with you. Always leave options to a safe word.
Speaker 1:I've been tied up with my mittens, which is fine, and my mittens. They are like this leather kind of mitten, but not the mittens from like back in the days. It's like a pleather kind of thing, shaped like a triangle, and it has strings in them, laced or whatever, and it would have a ring on the bottom of it or the top of it, depending on how you view it and stuff. You hook it up to a D-ring or you bring your own. What are those things called? Oh, it escapes me, fuck. What's the name of it? I can't think of it. I think it's called a lanyard. No, that's not it. I don't know, but either way it's a clip.
Speaker 1:There we go and you hook that up to it and then there you go, you're just bonding and I just mean bondage, not bonding, bonding or whatever. So you do that and try not to have your bottom on the cross for too long, because if their legs are straight up they can faint, you know, especially if it's locked Again. We don't want no problems. We don't want no problems. Per usual, vet and negotiate before you play, clean up before and after play, do your aftercare and have fun. Happy Easter and enjoy crucifying your bottom. All right, I've talked long enough. Queue out.